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Mod 8 - Cashflows & Working Capital Mgt

AJIRA Complete Business Management Program Module 8- Cashflows and Working Capital Management

Operational Activities and their Impact on Cashflows and Working Capital. How can operational Managers Impact positively on Working Capital and Cashflows.?

Program Overview

The objective of this module is to give insights on how to maintain a healthy liquidity for the business so that it can operate smoothly. Day to day management decisions have an impact on Cashflows and Working Capital. How do you balance your operational cashflows , manage debtors and creditors optimally, raise short term liquidity and generate positive cashflows from your operations?

This module addresses how day to day operational activities affect cashflows. The module enables particpants to manage the cashflows sufficiently enough to satisfy both operational requirements and longer term growth needs.This module also discusses control issues that affect cashflows.  Participants are able to;-

  1. Appreciate how Operational Decisions and day to day activities impact on Cashflows. (Owners, GMs, Departmental Heads and Business Unit Leaders)
  2. Engage their Finance Staff on cashflow matters productively.

This is an important Module for HODs, Operational Managers, Heads of Units, GMs, Business Owners, Owner Managers , Business Partners, General Managers, Finance Staff as well.